Meet Amsterdam during Covid19

My self-isolation started since March 15thafter a short trip in Paris with my partner. So far, the safety is going well. There are many challenges in this bizarre pandemic outbreak that bring some extend of stress in life, especially when you are part of a risk group. For me it’s definitely the respect of personal space when you go out for a walk or buy your groceries. Some people are not conscious in keeping distance and some just don’t care. I feel upset when that happens and need to be extra cautious in keeping the minimal distance. 

Being in my 10thweek, these extraordinary days has changed Amsterdam city life. I have been out downtown a few times in time slots when you don’t expect many people on the streets. From my experience, walking on streets is much safer then in parks. On sunny days, people start herding and don’t want to think about social distancing because chilling out together is much more fun. 

I remember my 1stwalk in the heart of Amsterdam in our semi lockdown, it gave me an overwhelming strange feeling. I love my city and got more in love seeing the serenity without the tourists and mass of people. A moment I never have experienced before. Ofcourse there are times when every big city has it silence moments at night or early mornings but that is totally different.

Nearly empty streets, empty squares, empty hotspots and an empty central station, places where it was always packed with crowd. Almost a peaceful city where the sounds of cars, scooters, motor bikes and trams make this special moment less attractive but yet …… AMSTERDAM IS CRAZY UNSURREAL AND ABSOLUTELY DIVINE! 

These days, life is slowly getting back to normal having crowded streets, more traffic and more noise but without the tourists.

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